The Canadian Parliament Coat of Arms has been significant in my investigation as it symbolizes authoritarian power. The process of deconstructing the coat of arms was to analyze how the historic content can be re-interpreted into various contexts and meanings. How can I take a symbol and appropriate its meaning to current and relevant events that influences my argument. British CCTV, 9/11, Edward Snowden, the 2014 Ottawa shooting and the 2015 Paris Shooting attack are events that potentially justify my statement as to why such events are trending in our current society in Canada.

The process of UV lights turned on for the glow in the dark icons and imagery to appear in my reinterpretation of the coat of arms to reveal a layer of information. Furthermore, supported by the iconographies below are 4 words that support and emphasize the narrative of each page. The means of this concept is to formulate an underlying supporting context that is typically kept secret or hidden just as seen in Canadian currency and in passports.